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  • Writer's pictureanaarrietafit

Hypopressive Abdominals: Benefits and How to Perform Them.

The hypopressive work is a slope specially designed to work the abdominals in a different way, it is able to reduce the waist, strengthen the deepest area and improve the pelvic floor among many other benefits.

What does the hypopressive exercise consist of??

Hypopressive exercise consists of training based mainly on isometric contraction of the deep abdominal muscles, in which there is muscle tension but no movement, breathing techniques are applied and it involves postural re-education.

What benefits does the hypopressive method have?

Strengthen the pelvic floor: At any time in life it is advisable to work on the pelvic floor, but it becomes especially important after the changes experienced during. pregnancy. Reduction of the waist: In addition to toning the abdominals, the work that falls on the deeper muscles can lead to a reduction of the waist, both in decreasing fat and in forming a more compact area.

  • Improve back pain: To do hypopressives, it is not only necessary to tighten the abdomen, but we have to place correctly the shoulders, lumbar zone, legs, back…

  • The effect of suction and negative pressure generated within the abdominal area causes a traction effect on the intervertebral discs, which can have a very powerful therapeutic effect, provided it is combined with other exercises that complement it.

    • It can have an impact on the relief of dysmenorrhoea or pain during menstruation: In the publication “Primary Dysmenorrhoea and Physiotherapy” (2005), hypopressives are indicated as therapeutic measures.

    • Reduces diastasis of the rectus abdominis in women after childbirth: As it tones up the deep muscles but without putting excessive pressure on the abdominal contents, it also reduces the risk of prolapse.

The secret of hypopressive abdominals

Of course, the hypopressives themselves are not magic, they do a job of control and stability, but they need the conventional abdominals to do a really complete workout, and without other complementary exercises the back pathologies do not disappear and without the appropriate diet the fatty tissue is not reduced.

How to do hypopressive abs

The recommendation is that we dedicate between 15 and 20 minutes complementary to the rest of the global routine. It is important to evolve the exercises as the person’s fitness increases.

The breathing technique is the so-called Uddiyana Bandha in yoga and it was already performed thousands of years ago with energetic purposes, mobilisation of viscera, muscle strengthening, etc.

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