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  • Writer's pictureanaarrietafit

Five Daily Exercises That Build Self-Discipline.

What are some daily good exercises to practice self discipline? 1. Take a Cold Shower Every Morning

Cold showers suck.

Forcing yourself to endure the icy blast of a cold shower first thing in the morning requires discipline and a high threshold for pain.

They’re not easy, they’re not fun, and they’re not comfortable. 2. Meditate for 10 Minutes a Day

Meditation might seem like an odd way to build discipline. After all, you just have to sit on your butt and think about nothing, right?

Well, not exactly…

Meditation requires you to discipline your thoughts. To clear your mind, center your body, and reconnect with your breath. 3. Begin Your Day With 100 Push-Ups or a 1-Mile Run

100 push-ups should only take you 5 minutes.

A one mile run takes 6–10 minutes.

But they are powerful tools for building discipline.

By starting your day with some form of physical activity, you will jump start your success throughout the day and force yourself to do something uncomfortable and difficult first thing in the morning. Do this before your morning cold shower and you will have shown more discipline before 8 a.m. than most people do ALL day. 4. Make Your Bed

Making your bed takes 2 minutes.

But it’s a small activity that requires discipline because, there’s no real reason to do it.

Sure, it allows you to accomplish one task before you get your day started.

But it’s not like making your bed will increase your income, make you more productive, or increase your sex appeal. It’s the ultimate exercise in futility.

But you should still do it. 5. Eliminate Distractions

Distractions kill discipline.

If you want to be more disciplined throughout the day, eradicate all distractions. 6. Quit Complaining

Complaining is like cancer in your soul.

You have a lot to be thankful for. But every time you complain, you tell yourself that your life sucks and that things aren’t the way that they should be (even when they’re great).

So quit complaining.

If you can do this, your discipline, happiness, and motivation will skyrocket.

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